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10 Reasons the YSC Summit Rocked!

10 Reasons the YSC Summit Rocked!

We asked the YSC State Leaders who attended the YSC National Summit last weekend what their most important take-away was. Did they learn a new valuable lesson? Did a particular session or speaker resonate with them? Or did they connect with someone new?
Here's what they had to say...

"Metastatic friendships transcend time apart and distance in between, for one weekend, we are one."
- Anise, diagnosed stage 3 at 32, metastatic to the lungs at 36, metastatic to the brain at 37




"What was most valuable for me were the new resources and connections I made in order to help others who are newly diagnosed. I enjoyed sharing my Face 2 Face networking meeting ideas with other State Leaders as well! It was very empowering to be able to help them too! Although I'm home with elevated CKP levels due to cross fit and trying to recover, I still loved it even though my body hated it! Overall, an amazing experience. You have to be there to understand the full benefits of the Summit!"
- Beth, diagnosed at 34



Jenn"In the fertility and pregnancy workshop, another State Leader and I had the opportunity to share our stories of pregnancy after breast cancer treatment and I also had the opportunity to share my story of breastfeeding after breast cancer. I connected with a number of survivors after the workshop to answer their questions and share information. This is just one of the many ways that survivors learn from each other at the Summit."
- Jenn, diagnosed at 27



Michelle Pina"As a 10 year survivor, I sometimes wonder if there is a need for me to attend the Summit... that answer is a resounding YES. The Summit reminds me how far we still have to go in letting people know YSC exists. It reminds me of how unique young survivors are in the cancer world and it reminds me of how strong I really am."
- Michelle, diagnosed at 33 with Stage 2B Triple Negative




Wendy Muldrew"The most important thing that stood out to me during the Summit was how to become an advocate for breast cancer, which is what I strive to be."
- Wendy, diagnosed at age 36





Rachel"As a 9 year breast cancer survivor, going to the Summit reminded me of why we do what we do. Not everyone has a storybook ending to their cancer journey. Many will walk down dark pathways but with support, I want to be a light to guide them along their way.”
- Rachel, diagnosed stage 3 at 35




Bobbie"I thought the most valuable moment for me at the Summit was the General Session: Sex and Intimacy. I realized that I wasn't the only one dealing with problems! It was nice to be around others who understood!"
- Bobbie, Ky Pink Ribbon Warrior, diagnosed at 31






Shannon"Prior to departure I was struggling personally with my own emotions and some family issues. It seemed the devil was trying to cancel my plans. And I know why, now. Because this weekend saved my life. I met and befriended beautiful women of all walks of life, all shapes and sizes, all curvy or flat chested and all so gorgeous! The bravery of these women; the acceptance; the power; the love...indescribable. Have you ever been in a room with 650+ people who you have something in common with every single one of them? It's comradery to the core. It's a sisterhood. And I realized, truly, none of us wanted to be in this group. None of us chose this path. But none of us gave up. Some of us almost did, me included. Instead, we drudged on...sometimes barely able to stand, sometimes being carried by those that love us, but we continue. While we continue to fight for cancer research in the hopes of curing this monster, we stand united. And I learned, meanwhile, that I should live and be mindful and present. Thank you ladies for reminding me that our attitude is of our own choosing and hope isn't lost."
- Shannon, diagnosed at 34

Jenn Smith"What most resonated with me was when Pat Steeg, PhD, spoke about the state of young women and breast cancer. She explained that it's up to US, the women in this room to raise their voices and demand the funding for research on young women, especially for young metastatic women. This funding issue won't be solved by the doctors or the researchers. We have the power! What Dr. Steeg shared about the current research concerning young women and breast cancer was NOT great news... But her message to us - to unite and use our power - really fired me up. I went to the Breast Cancer Advocacy session the next day with her words still ringing in my ears."
- Jenn, diagnosed at 37


Anne"I'm so excited about all the knowledge and advice I was able to take away from the Summit. I can't wait to put it to good use helping other young women when I start up my new F2F group!"
- Anne, diagnosed at 28






Did you attend the Summit and have something you wanted to share? Let us know in the comments below! We'll also have the full presentations from the Summit available in the next month, so stay tuned.

If you missed the Summit, don't worry - the YSC Midwest Symposium is in a few months and we'd love to see you there. This one day conference in Minneapolis, MN on June 4 is sure to be an amazing, engaging day for anyone affected by breast cancer.
Learn more and get your ticket here.

We also welcome you to apply to become a YSC State Leader, like these incredible young women. We're reviewing applications until the end of May. Become a State Leader today!