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Educational Materials

Take control of your health and be a strong advocate for young women everywhere with our valuable breast cancer educational resources. Download them now for immediate access, or place an order for print copies to arrive through snail mail.

Newly Diagnosed Navigator

Learn to navigate your journey with information about breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, an easy-to-understand breast cancer glossary, questions to ask your healthcare team and inspiring messages from young women who’ve been down this road.


Metastatic Navigator

Understand the complexities of living with stage IV breast cancer and learn about your treatment options. Get advice on working with healthcare teams and forms and tools to help you stay organized.


Post-Treatment Navigator

Manage the post-treatment phase with a survivorship care plan for you to use with your healthcare team. Learn practical tips for addressing sex and intimacy concerns, family planning options and long-term side effects like “chemo brain” and lymphedema.


Long-Term Navigator

Learn how to manage long-term side effects and move forward with your life after diagnosis and treatment.


Navigator Worksheets

As a supplement to our Navigator series, we offer our most popular forms as fillable PDFs that you can download, edit and then save on your own computer. Take them along to your appointments to help you communicate with your healthcare providers.

Breast Health and You Guide

Learn about breast cancer facts, signs and symptoms of breast cancer, common myths, good health habits, risk factors, understanding your family tree and information on how to talk to your doctor. Share this booklet with your loved ones so they can become advocates for their own health.

Download in English

ResourceLink Guidebook

We now offer a searchable online resource database full of information on organizations that provide financial assistance, support and other tools relevant to young women diagnosed with breast cancer.

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Get to Know YSC Kit

This kit is specially packaged for healthcare providers and includes a number of resources for a proper introduction to YSC:

  • Intro Kit (5): designed to pass out to your patients and includes a YSC pen, notepad, magnet and brochure that describes our programs.
  • Newly Diagnosed Navigator (1): covers treatment topics and includes an easy-to-understand breast cancer glossary, questions to ask healthcare providers and inspiring messages from young diagnosed women.
  • Metastatic Navigator (1): includes various treatment options, advice on working with healthcare teams and forms and tools to help your patients stay organized.
  • Post-Treatment Navigator (1): includes a survivorship care plan for young women diagnosed with breast cancer to use with their healthcare team. It also offers practical tips on managing sex and intimacy concerns, family planning options and long-term side effects like chemo brain and lymphedema.

Order Kit

Breast Health and You Guide

This guide is designed to help all young women learn about breast cancer facts, signs and symptoms of breast cancer, common myths, good health habits, risk factors, understanding their family health history and information on how to talk to you (their healthcare provider). Order up to 15 at a time for distribution to your patients.

Download in English 

Download in Spanish

YSC Sync Brochure

Our Sync brochure goes into more detail about the programs we provide for young women affected by breast cancer, whether they are newly diagnosed, living with metastatic breast cancer or years out from diagnosis. Order a pack of 25 for distribution to your patients.


Young Women and Breast Cancer Fact Sheet

This one-pager describes the facts and issues that specifically affect young women facing breast cancer. Order a pack of 25 for distribution to your patients.


Whether tabling for us at a conference or hosting your own event, order these free resources to inform other young survivors, co-survivors and volunteers about the work we’re doing at YSC.

Get To Know YSC Brochures

Give survivors, co-survivors and healthcare providers an introduction to the meaningful work of YSC. This brochure discusses how breast cancer in young women is different and how YSC programs and resources support the needs of young survivors.


YSC Sync Brochures

Provide detailed information about the programs we have for young women affected by breast cancer. Includes programs for women who are newly diagnosed, metastatic and long-term survivors.


YSC MetsLink Brochures

Equip young women living with metastatic, or stage IV, breast cancer with information on our programs. Describes ways to connect and resources created specifically to address the metastatic population.


YSC Ignite Volunteer Brochures

Spread the word about our volunteer opportunities! Provides more information on the fun, easy ways to make a difference in the lives of young women with breast cancer.


Breast Cancer Fact Brochure

Arm young women with the eye-opening facts and statistics about breast cancer. Includes vital information about what to look for and what to do if you find something unusual in your breasts. Perfect for distributing at outreach events.


Young Women and Breast Cancer Fact Sheets

Help your audience discover the facts and the issues that specifically affect young women facing breast cancer.


Sample Navigators

You can order a free copy of each navigator for use at events or on the road.

  • Newly Diagnosed Navigator: covers treatment topics and includes an easy-to-understand breast cancer glossary, questions to ask healthcare teams and inspiring messages from young diagnosed women.
  • Metastatic Navigator: includes various treatment options, advice on working with healthcare teams and forms and tools for organizing.
  • Post-Treatment Navigator (1): includes a survivorship care plan for young women diagnosed with breast cancer to use with their healthcare team. It also offers practical tips on managing sex and intimacy concerns, family planning options and long-term side effects like chemo brain and lymphedema.
  • Long-Term Navigator (1): includes tips and information on how to manage long-term side effects and move forward with life after diagnosis and treatment.

Order Resources

¿Ya recibiste el Navegador para las recién diagnosticadas y estás buscando la encuesta? Haz clic aquí para decirnos lo que pensaste de esta guía.

(Already received the Newly Diagnosed Navigator and looking for the Survey? Click here to tell us what you thought of this guide).

Descarga estos folletos informativos escritos especialmente para mujeres jóvenes afectadas por cáncer de mama. Infórmate más en temas como la nutrición y el bienestar, el sexo y la intimidad, asuntos prácticos (finanzas, trabajo y temas legales), cáncer de mama metastásico, planificación familiar y temas únicos para mujeres jóvenes.

(Download these informative Spanish-language booklets just for young women affected by breast cancer. Learn more about topics like: Nutrition and Wellness, Sex and Intimacy, Practical Matters (financial, career and legal), Metastatic Breast Cancer and Family Planning and the unique issues of young women).

Descarga El Navegador para Recién Diagnosticadas (Newly Diagnosed Navigator)

Descarga La salud del seno y tú (Breast Health and You)

Descarga La nutrición y el bienestar (Nutrition and Wellness)

Descarga El sexo, la intimidad y la relación de pareja (Sex, Intimacy and Relationships)

Descarga La fertilidad después de cáncer de mama (Fertility After Breast Cancer)

Descarga Cáncer de mama metastásico (CMM) (Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC)

Descarga Asuntos prácticos: Seguro de salud, las finanzas y temas legales
(Practical Matters: Insurance, Financial and Legal matters)

Por favor completa esta breve encuesta para decirnos los recursos, el contenido y los servicios de YSC que te gustaría ver en español. Tus respuestas nos ayudarán a priorizar la traducción al español de las áreas de mayor interés para ti.

(Please take this brief survey to tell us about the resources, content, and services you would like YSC to provide in Spanish. Your feedback will help us ensure that we prioritize Spanish-language offerings in the areas that are of most interest to you.)

Resource Links