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Cycling Can Be Beautiful

As a new rider just at the door of the house we call cycling, I currently only have one cycling outfit.

This is an issue since I’ll be riding for three days in a row for Tour de Pink. Obviously, I need more than one outfit … but what to buy? And why is it so expensive?

During the last six months I’ve been asking all the other female cyclists I meet what they wear. I’ve heard a variety of responses. I’d thought I’d share a few recommendations, for those of you experiencing the same conundrum:

Terry ( has become one of my favorite sites to browse through. It’s a Vermont-based company dedicated to getting more women riding bicycles — comfortably, safely and beautifully. Beautifully is the key word ... let’s be honest, bike shorts are a challenge for most women. I purchased my riding “skort” from this company, and I’ve been incredibly happy with it. Thank God, since it's the only thing I own!

Sheila Moon ( is another very cool website. It’s based in San Francisco, so of course it’s cool (I grew up in the Bay Area)! I have not purchased anything from Sheila Moon yet, although I have my eye on a few skorts I’ve seen on its site.

Team Estrogen ( Besides having a great name, it has a great slogan, “Where style meets the road.” Come on — how cool is that? It has a huge variety of skorts and cute tops I’m looking at. It’s not 100% cycling, so I’m a little cautious about ordering skorts from the site since the chamois pad in the shorts is soooo important.

Bike Jane ( is also a good one to bookmark (says the girl who owns ONE biking outfit). I like its selection and am pleased not to see those awful shorts everywhere.
These are my suggestions — does anyone have any others?

I am going to have to cough up some cash soon and start buying at least two more pairs of skorts and cycling jerseys … and probably another pair of socks!!! That’s all I need and then I’ll be rolling in style … my own style.