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Dream Big

Dream BigThe only place I still feel young and "normal" is in my dreams. This is the best way I feel I can describe my experience with breast cancer as a young woman.

Every morning as I wake up and remember that this has happened to me, I begin my fight against the pain and the sensation of being 85 years old. That is cancer to me.

Speaking of dreams, this morning I dreamt I was riding a bike. And, I think I can say with 100% certainty that I have NEVER dreamt about riding a bike. Even in my subconscious, my brain couldn't think that was possible. I might dream of childhood friends flying through space while reading a book and talking to pink elephants — that would be normal in a dream. But, me on a bike? It is too far-fetched.

But not last night. I have thought enough about riding Tour de Pink® that I have convinced my subconscious that it’s possible.

And then I woke up … and my body ached and hurt like it does every morning. Thank God cancer has not followed me to my dreams. So … deep breath … some stretching … a positive attitude … and make some coffee. I can do this … and I will!!!