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June Research Round-up

June Research Round-up

Staying on top of recent breast cancer research news, especially when it pertains to young women, is essential. It is also important that young women participate in ongoing research so that our population is well-represented in data and the results meaningful to young women.

We pulled together a number of recent research articles and ongoing studies or surveys that may be of interest to you. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter, as we post new articles and studies as they become available.

Studies Seeking Participants:

Metastatic Breast Cancer Project
YSC is an advocacy partner in this unique research initiative that will help to transform our understanding of metastatic breast cancer. If you have metastatic breast cancer, join a nationwide movement of over 1700 patients, doctors, and scientists by sharing your tumor samples, your medical information, and your voice. Together, we can speed the development of future therapies.

New Research Opportunity for Spanish Speakers!

Eres Latina y vives con cáncer de mama metastásico? Por favor tome nuestra encuesta acerca de su experiencia con su proveedores de cuidado de salud cuando le diagnosticado po prima vez metastásico o etapa IV?

English Translation - Are you Latina and living with metastatic breast cancer? Please take our survey about your experience talking to your health care team when you were first diagnosed metastatic or stage IV.

Sexual Adjustment Throughout Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
This study is to learn what women affected by breast cancer are feeling about their bodies, their intimate relationships and sexuality. Open to all women diagnosed with breast cancer.

The Impact of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer on Cognition and Functional Performance
This study is to find out how cognition and the ability to do everyday activities changes in the 6 months after the completion of treatment for breast cancer. Open to women nearing the end of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Share Your Experiences with Insurance Coverage of Hereditary Cancer Services

Complete this survey and help FORCE understand the current landscape for insurance coverage of hereditary cancer-related screening and preventive services. We want to hear from you if you have had difficulty getting insurance coverage OR if your insurance has covered everything OR if you don’t have insurance at all.

Recent Research Results:

Two Years of Adjuvant Tamoxifen Provides a Survival Benefit Compared With No Systemic Treatment in Premenopausal Patients With Primary Breast Cancer
The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term effect of 2 years of adjuvant tamoxifen compared with no systemic treatment (control) in premenopausal patients with breast cancer over different time periods through long-term (> 25 years) follow-up.

Outcomes Matter: The Power of Prospective Outcomes

A recent SEER-NCI study looked at outcomes data of over 44,500 breast cancer patients who had Oncotype DX testing and found that at 5 years, patients with a recurrence score less than 18 had an excellent breast cancer survival rate using hormone therapy alone (no chemo).  Breast cancer specific mortality was less than .5% in node negative patients and 1% in node positive. For Infographic: Prospective Outcomes Infographic

Exercise Reduces Cardiovascular Risk in Nonmetastatic Breast Cancer Patients

A recent study showed that exercise reduces the number of cardiovascular events in nonmetastatic breast cancer survivors. Those patients adhering to national exercise guidelines (about 9 hours per week) had a 23% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular events.

Boston College Women's BRCA Study
Dr. Sharlene Hesse-Biber at Boston College is conducting a study about the genetic counseling experiences of women who are BRCA positive. Through the Boston College Women's BRCA Study, they hope to address the substantial lack of research on the ways that women deal with a positive test result for the BRCA 1/2 gene mutations. This project will make a significant contribution to understanding of individuals’ experiences with genetic testing, how this impacts families and relationships, and how genetic counseling should approach the BRCA experience for women. If you have any questions please contact [email protected].


Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter, for the most up-todate articles and studies focused on young women and breast cancer.