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Living Our Best Life

Living Our Best Life

2015 is a milestone year for me. Twenty years ago, I first heard the words: ‘You have breast cancer.” I was 27. Ten years ago, I heard those words again. When I made it five years cancer-free after that second diagnosis, my family and I did a quiet backyard celebration (nothing like a pile of leaves and kids!). But that’s not all that happened after my second diagnosis. I found YSC. No one “gets it” like someone who has “lived it.” YSC gave me a sisterhood of support unlike any other in the world.

Northeast Regional Field Manger, Medha, celebrating life with her family.
Northeast Regional Field Manger, Medha Sutliff, celebrating life with her family.

Every year of life with breast cancer is a milestone. But this year, I get to celebrate my two decade milestones in one of the BEST ways possible―with 200+ of my YSC sisters and their co-survivors at the first Northeast YSC Regional Symposium, June 6 in Washington D.C. I am so excited we are kicking off this series in the Northeast region!

This one-day event will focus on the
individual pursuit of resiliency and survivorship for young women affected by breast cancer AND their co-survivors (spouses, partners, siblings, parents, friends―anyone who supports you). No matter where you are in your breast cancer journey, there will be something for you. The event will include educational and inspirational speakers and workshops, as well as the opportunity to connect with survivors and co-survivors in YSC’s Northeast Region. Last but not least, it will be topped off YSC-style, with an evening celebration for all!

For young survivors:
• Nurturing your whole self
• Sex and intimacy
• Communicating after breast cancer

For co-survivors:
• Supporting your loved one
• Meeting in the Man Cave: communication, sex and intimacy
• Learning to take care of yourself, too

YSC recognizes the financial burden cancer can place on a young survivor. Thanks to some great fundraising work, YSC is excited to be able to offer complimentary hotel accommodations to all attendees traveling from outside of the Washington, D.C. metro area. What are you waiting for? Please don’t delay registering; space is limited and the buzz is spreading!

We can’t change the facts about our diagnosis, but we can choose how to live life moving forward. Join me in living OUR best life after a cancer diagnosis. Can’t wait to meet you with a milestone hug on June 6.