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State Leaders Throw YSC a 15th Birthday Party

State Leaders Throw YSC a 15th Birthday Party

Happy 15th Birthday YSC! What do balloons, cake and frozen yogurt have to do with YSC?  They were all part of YSC's 15th birthday parties held by YSC state leaders across the country. These events were held to celebrate YSC’s anniversary and provide networking opportunities for young women.

State leaders invited their friends, family and coworkers to celebrate the work YSC has accomplished, build excitement for upcoming programs and let people know how they could become involved as a volunteer through the new volunteer engagement initiative, Ignite.

YSC Birthday Party @ NordstromSeveral state leaders combined their YSC birthday party with the Nordstrom We Heart a Great Fit event. Ohio State Leader Julie Klaski had a group of girlfriends meet at Nordstrom, where they shared treats, had a great shopping trip and helped support YSC.

In Maryland, State Leader Lori Yori hosted a YSC birthday party for oncology nurses.  She used the event to ensure the nurses in her area know about YSC and are able to inform their patients about YSC's programs and services.

Zumba for YSC!Washington State Leader Karen Lawson combined her passion for volunteering and riding in YSC Tour de Pink into an occasion that celebrated both events.

Celebrate 15 years of YSC by giving the gift of your time; sign up today to volunteer for YSC!

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