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The Frank Family


YSC's 15 Volunteers Making a Difference

The Frank Family — Parents and Brother of a YSC Founding Member and Tour de Pink Volunteers

During the early years of her daughter Lisa J. Frank’s breast cancer experience, Carol Frank recognized a particularly unfulfilled need — resources for parents struggling to support their adult daughters who had been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Jerry, Lisa, Carol and Paul Frank (from left to right) at In Living Pink
Jerry, Lisa, Carol and Paul Frank (from left to right) at In Living Pink

To solicit assistance, Carol reached out to Susan Santangelo, the director of the Breast Cancer Survival Center in her home town of Norwalk, Conn. Together, they coordinated a one-day workshop, inviting mothers of survivors from the tri-state area to join them in Connecticut. There, 12 mothers confronted their fears and embraced hope for their daughters' futures.

Register as a YSC Volunteer
Register as a YSC Volunteer

As Carol became involved with the cause, the rest of the family looked for ways they could volunteer. Knowing how much Young Survival Coalition (YSC) had done for their daughter (and sister), they knew working with YSC was the perfect way to give back! The opportunity came in 2004, when Lisa and fellow YSC volunteer Matt Purdue organized the first Tour de Pink (TdP) to generate funds and awareness for YSC.

Tapping strong local ties and large social networks, Carol and Jerry (Lisa’s dad) reached out to friends and relatives securing places for the riders to sleep and be fed along the route. From the first year until today, Carol and Jerry have remained committed to volunteering for TdP and have never missed a ride.

In 2008, Lisa’s brother Paul began volunteering adding his support as a member of the original TdP decorating squad. Over the years, the family’s presence at the East Coast ride has never faltered and in 2011, Carol received a volunteer appreciation award for her dedication to its participants.

The PB&J Queen, Carol Frank.
The PB&J Queen, Carol Frank.

These days, during TdP East Coast, you can find the Franks staffing the lunchtime rest stop together and offering encouragement and enthusiasm. As Paul checks in riders, making certain everyone is accounted for throughout the day, Carol and Jerry ensure cyclists have the nourishment to power through with Carol’s famous peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!

The Frank family knows firsthand how hearing “Your daughter has breast cancer,” affects the entire family. They believe, “It’s important to support all of the young women facing this disease in any way we can,” and say, “All of the people who take part in Tour de Pink are an extension of our family.”

Thank you to the entire Frank family for your dedication to the women of YSC and everything else you do to make a difference!