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The Power Lies with You

2012 YSC Tour De Pink Riders at the U.S. Capitol

As October winds down and we all begin to shift our focus to Thanksgiving and the winter holidays, it is important to remember that our voice matters and we can each make a difference.

We are all so busy balancing our lives that I sometimes question whether a small action I take really does makes a difference. Then I think about how angry I would be if I didn't have the ability to express my opinion and someone else made my decisions for me. But, it is hard to find the time and I always wonder if anything ever really changes.

It doesn’t help that the national elections are around the corner. On the one hand, they can inspire people to take action for what they believe in; on the other, all the fighting and mud-slinging can be off-putting.

Through my years of working in advocacy, I’ve learned that small steps result in giant movements and the power of the people is larger than most of us think. Because of that strong belief YSC has endeavored to gather 13,000 signatures during the next month on behalf of all the young women with breast cancer in our community.

This is no joke ... it’s probably one of the biggest challenges I’ve ever taken on. It’s very serious and immediate ... if you have been diagnosed with breast cancer this is a chance to join the movement. If you know someone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, this is an opportunity to advocate for them and join the fight!

I am tired of this disease ... and I am tired of young women dying from it.

We are each just an individual, but we have enormous power to enact change when we work together. For that reason, YSC has partnered with the National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC) to help ensure that the voice of the breast cancer community is heard by our President and other elected officials. More important to me, is that the voice of young women diagnosed with breast cancer and all those who love them is also recognized.

The 13,000 signatures represent the 13,000 young women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer during the next year. If you know a young woman affected by breast cancer - this is a way to show her you are willing to use your voice to fight for her!

Sign this petition  and send it to your friends, family and colleagues. Ask them to sign it and send it to everyone they know. Send it to every person you know and remind them that we have the ability to create change if we unite as a community ... and we need their help! Send this petition to everyone you can think of ... because we must be successful ... the YSC community and those who are not able to fight on their own need us!

You have my word - NO ONE who signs this petition will be put on a list and their email addresses will never be used to spam them. I am not trying to build YSC's database - I am trying to change the conversation.

I wonder how long it will take to collect 13,000 signatures?

The power lies with you.