Research Think Tank Quality of Life

The Research Think Tank (RTT) Quality of Life Work Group focused on unanswered questions about a young woman’s life and side effects during and after breast cancer treatment.
The group was composed of advocates:
- Ann Marie Potter (chair)
- Sue Ann Mark
- Nikki Oliver
- Jean Rowe
- Jeannine Salamone
As well as physicians/researchers:
- Dr. Shari Goldfarb
- Dr. Julie Gralow
- Ms. Lillie Shockney
- Dr. Eric Winer

Research Priorities
Three of the 19 research priorities recommended by the RTT focused on quality of life. Below we list the priority, indicate any progress made since the RTT and list any open trials of which we are aware related to or focusing on these research priorities.
How can long-term or late-appearing physical side effects from breast cancer treatment be reduced or prevented in young women?
Progress Made: Thumbs Up (identifying effects) - Thumbs Down (interventions for side effects)
Recent research updates:
The HOW study has listed and documented the long-term and late-appearing side effects of breast cancer treatment and the need to study how to treat and prevent them. Read More
According to a report of the 13th annual conference of Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association, heart disease is of particular concern for breast cancer survivors and may not become evident until five or more years after treatment has ended. Read More
Current research initiatives/studies:
The Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation, through its HOW study, has been documenting the “collateral damage” of breast cancer treatment.
What evidence-based interventions could be used to decrease the risks of depression, anxiety and other psychosocial and emotional issues in young breast cancer survivors?
Progress Made: Work In Progress
Recent research updates:
A mindfulness based intervention for young breast cancer survivors reduced stress and other behavioral symptoms. Read More
Use of an online intervention for couples to aid in communication and adjustment to breast cancer. Read More
Intervention for managing fear of recurrence, anxiety and coping with sexuality/relationship issues. Read More
Current research initiatives/studies:
A Phase III mindfulness study, continuing the work of the mindfulness study discussed above, is investigating how well meditation and survivorship education may reduce behavioral symptoms in young women with breast cancer. Read more
How can we increase awareness, screening and interventions on improving the sexual health of young women diagnosed with breast cancer, including issues relating to early menopause and the safety of potential hormonal interventions?
Progress Made: Work In Progress
Recent research updates:
American College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians say that to reduce sexual side effects vaginal estrogen is permissible for breast cancer survivors, even those with hormone-positive disease. Read More
Current research initiatives/studies:
Longitudinal Sexual and Reproductive Health Study of Women With Breast Cancer and Lymphoma
Let Us Know What’s Missing
If you believe we are missing a crucial piece of research or have not included a research study which should be here, please contact us!
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